Bridging Gaps

Since 2016 the partnership between Heartbeats e.V. and Bridging Gaps e.V. exists. Bridging Gaps e.V. supports activities to overcome prejudices and social inequalities and activities that draw attention to global injustices, in South Africa and in Germany. Providing a platform for young people with diverse backgrounds to come together and create interpersonal contact.
During 2013, a group of friends in South Africa initiated a youth camp. Heartbeats e.V. and Bridging Gaps e.V. had already partnered, for example, on an "empowerment camp" attended by youth from resource-poor areas in Pretoria, South Africa. In particular, the camp targeted all participants who identify as "colored" or black and provided a safe place to talk about the realities of their lives and experiences of racism in South Africa. The empowerment camp helps teenagers to find ways to deal with discrimination and racism and promotes solidarity and unity among the teenagers. Through the individual awareness process mentioned above, Bridging Gaps e.V. offers access to complex issues such as racism and global asymmetries, which are often only presented in a simplified or extremely abstract way. In times of affiliation debates and populism it is even more important to deal with one's own role and possibilities in society. Bridging Gaps e.V. offers a platform for (knowledge) resources and therefore creates a platform for discussions, which should encourage reflection. We, Heartbeats e.V., look forward to a further cooperation with Bridging Gaps e.V. with positive experiences.

For the latest developments, take a look at our annual reports!

Bridging Gaps e.V. also has a website on which more detailed information about its work can be found.

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