
Over the last few years, we have produced some beautiful products, partly in cooperation with our partnerships, which we offer for a donation. A donation recommendation is listed next to the items. If you are interested, use the contact form below to let us know which and how many of the products you would like, as well as your address. We will then send you the items and all you have to do is transfer your donation to our account! Depending on the item, you can add shipping costs at your own discretion.

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Geschichten aus aller Welt: Botswana

During her stay in Botswana in 2010/11, Carolin Sander, board member of Heartbeats e.V., met many inspiring and kind personalities. She asked these people to share a story with us, a story about an event or an experience in their lives that influenced or shaped them in a certain way, in order to allow an intercultural exchange to take place. These are the stories of the musician, the student, the grandmother or the nurse. They have opened up a small part of their world to us, sharing their views and perceptions. 

Donation recommendation: 5-10€, only available in german

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BANKUKU BARONA – Our grandmothers: Storytellers from Botswana and Germany

In October 2011, Heartbeats e.V. coordinated an intercultural dialogue between two groups of grandmothers from Botswana and Germany. A storytelling project that aimed to foster greater appreciation for our older generations, promote intercultural exchange and preserve culturally influenced children's stories. A book that we dedicate to grandmothers and all children who enjoy their stories. Let us marvel together at cultural diversity, learn to appreciate it and thank our grandmothers.

Donation recommendation: 5-10€, german and english 


You can transfer your donation to the following account:
Heartbeats e.V
DE36 4265 0150 0090 2142 55
Purpose of use: "Spende Shop"

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